The Bullpen Bloomberg Built: Candidates Debate Its Future

Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, center, works from his cubicle surrounded by those of his staff and advisers.
Published: March 22, 2013
It is the ultimate symbol of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s
management style, borrowed from Wall Street, plunked incongruously into
the middle of City Hall and studied by everyone from M.B.A. students to
visiting heads of state.
Known, simply, as the Bullpen, it is a warren of about 50 humble
cubicles, packed together without privacy in mind, that puts the city’s
chief executive within arm’s reach, and a shout’s distance, of his top
The mayor swears by it. Now his would-be successors want to rip it out.
During a forum for mayoral candidates on Thursday night, an unexpectedly
bipartisan hostility emerged toward the intimate seating arrangement,
which Mr. Bloomberg trumpets as a paragon of communication and
The objections were philosophical and practical, serious and playful,
betraying much about the men and women who wish to occupy the mayor’s
office — or cubicle, as the case may be.
William C. Thompson,
a Democrat who as comptroller occupied a large private office,
complained that it was impossible for anyone to truly concentrate with
so much noise and so few walls.
“It’s a trading desk, let’s be honest,” he said, in a dig at Mr.
Bloomberg, a billionaire who spent years on Wall Street. “It’s hard to
be able to focus and do work in that kind of environment,” Mr. Thompson
A particular worry: amid the cacophony, “it’s hard to read,” Mr. Thompson added.
Joseph J. Lhota,
a Republican who worked in the City Hall pre-bullpen, under Mayor
Rudolph W. Giuliani, groused that the hyper-accessible layout sent the
wrong message to subordinates about who is boss. The cheek-by-jowl
desks, he posited, reflected a flawed Bloombergian theory that
commissioners are mini-chief executives. “I have a much more centralized
approach,” he said. “I believe the mayor is the executive officer.”
He concluded, “I would go back to the old way and go back to the offices.”
Bill de Blasio,
a Democratic candidate who is the public advocate and a perennial
Bloomberg detractor, said he saw the configuration as an unenviable
symptom of the current mayor’s insularity.
“In the bullpen,” Mr. de Blasio said, “the mayor is surrounded by the
voices of his inner circle. But he’s been unable to hear the voices of
the people.”
He added: “In a funny way, I think it made him more isolated.”
Inside the Georgian corridors of City Hall, the two-century-old grande
dame of municipal government, the arrival of the bullpen was greeted, in
the fall of 2001, with equal measures of horror and admiration.
It was heralded as government at its most transparent, a place where
public accountability was no mere concept but an inescapable,
moment-by-moment reality: Mr. Bloomberg could see and hear everyone, and
vice versa.
But it was a startling break with tradition — Mr. Bloomberg commandeered
the stately former chamber of the Board of Estimate, on the second
floor, installing a sea of desks without walls or dividers. He plopped
down his own cubicle in the center of the room, just as he had at his
private company, Bloomberg LP. He retained the giant, ornate room that
had been the office for previous mayors, but used it only for ceremonial
events; it has become a de facto museum of Bloomberg memorabilia.
On Friday, speaking in an interview hours after the mayoral forum, Mr.
Bloomberg reacted with dismay and disdain to those who had challenged
his beloved bullpen.
“If you lock yourself in your office, I don’t think you can be a good
executive,” the mayor said, adding that it “makes absolutely no sense to
“I couldn’t feel more strongly about it,” he added.
He said he worried about the health of any company, nonprofit
organization or government run by a chief executive who did not use the
bullpen model, warning the candidates that by erecting walls they risked
stamping out innovation.
“You know, there’s going to be a gatekeeper that is going to be the one
that is really running government or the company rather than you,
because the gatekeeper is going to decide which ideas get to you,” Mr.
Bloomberg said.
He reveled in how widely his format has been copied: Larry Page, the
chief executive of Google, and Stanley A. McChrystal, the former United
States Army general, have examined it. “A lot of the military is now
doing it,” Mr. Bloomberg noted.
Of course, the bullpen has a few devotees in the mayor’s race, though their depth of enthusiasm varied considerably.
The City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn,
a longtime ally of Mr. Bloomberg who now inhabits a cavernous office on
the other side of City Hall, seemed to embrace the format as a
cost-saving measure, if not a state of mind.
“I’m not going to spend any money to redo the office,” she said,
somewhat lovelessly. Ms. Quinn, a Democratic candidate, joked — sort of —
that the arrangement would take a toll on her staff, given her
volubility. She mischievously offered pity to whoever sat next to her.
John A. Catsimatidis, the billionaire owner of the Gristedes supermarket
chain who is modeling his Republican candidacy on Mr. Bloomberg’s,
embraced the bullpen without reservation.
He said he had experimented with a similar (though, admittedly,
shabbier) setup at his office on the Far West Side of Manhattan, and
loved the ability to “have your eye on everyone.”
“If it works for Mike Bloomberg,” he said, “it will probably work for me, too.”
Even those who favor the concept acknowledged they would inevitably need
to put their own twist on it, and not necessarily by choice.
Mr. Bloomberg is famous for stocking the kitchenette that overlooks the
bullpen with mountains of snacks and soft drinks (diet only), paying for
it himself.
John C. Liu,
another Democratic candidate who is now the comptroller and a fan of
the bullpen, sheepishly volunteered that he would be unable to keep up
the practice. “The only thing I can pledge,” he said, “is that every so
often I will bring bagels in.”
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